Our Services

Corporate Insolvency

KPT Corporate Insolvency is your regulatory partner. We provide a guiding hand through the complex legal and regulatory framework that includes a dignified conclusion to the business lifecycle.

Voluntary Administration

When the future of your business is uncertain, voluntary administration can provide a strategic pause. KPT's dedicated administrators assess the viability of your company, working tirelessly to formulate a plan that prioritises sustainable outcomes. We guide you through the complexities of creditor negotiations and statutory obligations, always with the aim of revitalising your business's future.

Our in-depth knowledge of the Australian Corporations Act, combined with our hands-on experience, ensures that the administration process is thorough, compliant, and geared toward the best possible outcome.

Deed of Company Arrangements (DOCA)

A DOCA represents a proactive step towards recovery and solvency. KPT's expertise in structuring these agreements stems from a deep understanding of commercial realities and the legal framework governing corporate rescue mechanisms. We tailor each DOCA to the company's unique circumstances, crafting terms that are both achievable and favourable. Our approach balances the company's need to continue trading with the creditors' rightful expectations, aiming to deliver a resolution that upholds the value of transparency and fairness.


In receivership scenarios, our role extends beyond the management of assets. KPT provides a multi-faceted service that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders involved. We offer comprehensive advice to ensure that the process is not only legally sound but also managed with a view toward preserving the underlying business operations where possible. Our deep familiarity with the rights and priorities of secured creditors, combined with our sensitivity to the situation of the business owners, positions us to manage these challenging circumstances with expertise and compassion.

Mortgagee in Possession

The role of a mortgagee in possession is a significant one, and at KPT, we manage this responsibility with the utmost professionalism. We understand the legal responsibilities that fall on the mortgagee to not only recover debts but also to manage and dispose of assets in a manner that is commercially reasonable and compliant with Australian law.

Small Business Restructuring

KPT champions the spirit of Australian small businesses. Our small business restructuring service is designed to be accessible, affordable, and effective, reflecting the unique challenges faced by smaller enterprises. We provide personalized solutions that address your immediate financial pressures without losing sight of your long-term business vision.

Corporate Liquidation

Corporate liquidation is a profound step, and at KPT, it is handled with the gravity it deserves. We manage the liquidation process with integrity, ensuring that all legal requirements are met and that the best possible outcome is achieved for all creditors involved. Our team acts with transparency and professionalism, providing regular communication so that all parties are kept informed throughout the process.

We are committed to delivering tailored solutions with a deep understanding of the financial and legal landscapes. Our team stands ready to support your business through its most challenging times with expertise, dedication, and a genuine commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes.

Need assistance?

If you are facing financial difficulty and need assistance for your business, please get in touch with us today.