Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy, ’we’, ‘our’ and ’us’ refers to KPT Restructuring Pty Ltd (KPTR) affiliates and subsidiaries.

This Policy incorporates the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which are detailed in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), and outlines how we collect and handle Personal Information provided by you, whether through our website located at (Website), or otherwise through dealing with us.

By using our Website or otherwise providing us with your Personal Information or another person’s Personal Information, you accept the terms of this Policy and expressly consent to our collection, use, management and disclosure of your Personal Information in accordance with its terms.

We may amend this Policy from time to time in response to legislative updates or to reflect any changes in how we collect and handle Personal Information. This Policy relates to our collection and handling of Personal Information that is covered by the Privacy Act and is not intended to cover other types or categories of information not covered by the Privacy Act.

What information do we collect and hold?

‘Personal Information’ is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or about and individual who is reasonably identifiable.

In order to provide our services to you, we may collect and store your Personal Information. That Personal Information is held securely in our secured offices and storage facilities, on KPTR computer databases or by our professional IT service or storage providers.

We will only collect and hold your Personal Information in accordance with the APPs for the purposes set out in this Policy.

Examples of Personal Information that we may collect from you includes:

  • your name, job title and position
  • information to verify your identity
  • business and/or personal contact details including your address, email address and mobile/telephone number
  • your debt/claims in insolvency matters that we are handling
  • your employment information and history
  • your qualifications and professional memberships
  • feedback you provide in connection with our services, and/or
  • information relating to payment and credit

At times, we may take photographs or video recordings of individuals (for example at marketing and professional development/training events).

We may also collect information about you:

  • from third parties, such as credit agencies, financial service providers, public registers, search providers and regulatory authorities
  • from an advisor who is acting on your behalf
  • via requests for information or other correspondence and/or communications we receive from you, including from your use of this Website and social media
  • whenever you attend one of our events, seminars or visit one of our offices
  • whenever you contact us, fill out an application form, or enter into an agreement with us
  • from our clients in the course of performing services to our clients
  • from other sources in connection with performing our services as external administrators and bankruptcy trustees (or similar roles) in insolvency matters and related engagements
  • under, and for the purposes of, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) or related legislation

When you visit our Website, we may automatically collect information about you, including details of access, Internet Protocol addresses, web statistics and other information which is required to ensure that the site is functioning properly.

We may not be able to provide our services to you in circumstances where Personal Information is not provided, including being able to contact you and deal with your debt/claim where you are, or might be, a creditor of an insolvency matter that we are handling.

How do we use and disclose Personal Information?

Situations where we may use and disclose your Personal Information include:

  • to provide our products and services (including those as generally described on our Website)
  • to respond to your requests and to communicate with you/our clients generally
  • to inform you of developments with our business
  • to provide you with marketing material and other publications (please inform us if you do not wish to receive these materials and we will take steps to remove you from our contact lists)
  • to undertake market and client analysis and maintain our client databases
  • in the case of photographs or video recordings – for professional development, staff training, promotional or recruitment purposes
  • where required or permitted by law, regulation, rule or professional standard

Do we disclose your information to third parties?

We may disclose information to third parties:

  • for the purposes described above in this Privacy Policy
  • where you give your consent
  • where we believe it is necessary to do so in connection with a product or service we are providing
  • where required or permitted by law, regulation, rule or professional standard

To provide and/or support the provision of our services, we may need to disclose Personal Information to:

  • third parties we engage, including professional advisors, insurers, critical software providers, consultants and other service providers that support our business operations and/or the performance of our services
  • advisors and other persons who we reasonably believe to be acting on your behalf
  • any of our associated business and/or related entities

We may also be required to disclose information to regulatory or government bodies.

Except where described above, or where permitted or required by law, we do not sell, trade or otherwise transfer Personal Information we have obtained from you without your consent.

Our Website may direct you to websites operated by third parties (Linked Sites). We are not responsible for the content or practices of the Linked Sites or their privacy policies regarding the collection, storage, use and dissemination of your Personal Information. We encourage you to always read the applicable privacy statement of any Linked Site before using it.

We may disclose your Personal Information to persons or entities located in jurisdictions outside Australia that assist with our business operations and the provision of our services.


When you visit our Website, the server may attach a ‘cookie’ to your computer’s memory.  A ’cookie’ assists us to store information about how visitors to our Website use it and to make assumptions about what information may be of most interest to you. However, this information is not linked to any Personal Information you may provide and cannot be used to identify you. You should be able to configure your computer so that it disables cookies or does not accept them.

Personal information quality and security

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any Personal Information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. We request you assist us by updating your details with us if they change.

We will take reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information that we hold about you from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Only users authorised by KPTR can access your Personal Information and only for authorised purposes.

Access and correction

Subject to certain exceptions, you have a right to access and, where necessary, seek correction of the Personal Information that we hold about you. We will not charge you for providing you with access to your Personal Information, but we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable amount for the time and expense incurred in compiling the information in response to your request.

Please contact us using the details below to ask for access to your Personal Information or to correct or update your Personal Information. We will require you to provide some form of identification so we can appropriately identify you. We may also need to know the nature of your prior dealings with us.

Privacy Officer Details:

General complaints

If you have a complaint or believe we have contravened the APPs, you may lodge a complaint with our Privacy Officer (via the contact details above), or to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.