
10 Signs Your Business May Need Restructuring

10 Signs Your Business May Need Restructuring

Feeling the pinch in your business operations? You're in good company. Many Australian businesses experience financial pressure at various stages. Identifying early signs of trouble is crucial to staying afloat. Here are ten red flags to lookout for:

1. Cashflow concerns

When your business is forever playing catch-up with its finances, alarm bells shouldering. Adequate cash flow is essential, and if you're barely managing to meet your obligations or constantly chasing up late invoices, it’s a sign you might need to reassess your financial strategy.

2. Profit problems

Are your profits dwindling? When the effort you're putting in doesn't reflect your bottom line, it could be a symptom of deeper issues. It's crucial to pinpoint why profits are down – whether it's due to decreased sales, increased costs, or something else entirely.

3. Debt distress

Debt isn't always a bad thing, but it can become a monster if it's not managed properly. If your business is juggling debt upon debt and the interest charges are becoming a burden, restructuring could offer a path to regain control.

4. Strategic stagnation

A business without a clear direction is like a ship without a compass. If your business lacks concrete goals or a strategic plan, especially in the face of Australia's dynamic market, it’s time to chart a new course.

5. High staff turnover

Your staff are the engine of your enterprise. If turnover is high and staff morale is low, it's likely to impact your business negatively. Addressing operational inefficiencies and fostering a positive work environment may be necessary.

6. Ignoring industry evolution

In a world where change is the only constant, falling behind on industry trends can be detrimental. Whether it's tech innovation or new consumer behaviour, if you’re not keeping pace, consider revamping your business model. 

7. Customer churn

Loyal customers are the cornerstone of a successful business. If you're noticing a decline in repeat business or customer satisfaction, it's a warning bell that shouldn't be ignored. Understanding and adapting to your customers' needs is vital. 

8. Falling behind on superannuation obligations

Neglecting your superannuation commitments can be a glaring red flag. In Australia, keeping up with employee super contributions is not just a good practice, it's the law. If you find your business regularly struggling to meet these obligations, it's a clear sign that financial restructuring might be necessary to ensure compliance and protect your employees' futures, as well as the reputation and integrity of your business.

9. PAYG withholding warnings

Staying up-to-date with the ATO’s requirements, including PAYG withholding and BAS, is essential. Non-compliance can lead to significant penalties and cash flow issues, signalling a need for better financial management and processes.

If you’re consistently behind on PAYG Withholding obligations, it's not just a tax issue – it's a sign of deeper financial troubles. This could reflect poor cash management or inadequate forecasting, both of which need immediate attention.

10. BAS bottlenecks

Struggling to keep up with regular Business Activity Statement submissions can point to problems with your accounting systems or processes. Timely and accurate BAS lodgement is critical, and difficulty in this area may indicate it's time for a structural financial overhaul.

Recognise any of these signs in your business? It’s not too late.
KPT specialises in helping Australian businesses like yours to restructure and regain their financial footing. Our expert team is equipped to guide you back to profitability and growth.

Reach out to KPT today for a consultation, and let’s steer your business towards calmer waters and a brighter horizon.

Jonathon Parker
Jonathon Parker